

84rd October 4-5, 2024
Chuo University
Spring 14th June 14, 2025
Seinan Gakuin University
83rd October 5-6, 2024
Kobe University
The reorganization of globalization and the Japanese Economy HP
Spring 13th June 1, 2024
Tohoku Gakuin University
82th October 14-15, 2023
Rethinking the global economy from the perspective of the Global South. HP
Spring 12th June 3, 2023
Nara Prefectural University
81st October 1-2, 2022
Kindai University
International economy and risks related to the environment, resources, and disasters HP
Spring 11th June 4,2022
Hirosaki University
80th October 23-24, 2021
Graduate School of Economics University of Tokyo
World economic regime under the era of Post-Covid-19 and the decoupling of the US and China: will globalization be reversed? HP
Spring 10th June, 2021
agoya Gakuin University Campus
79th October, 2020
Kyushu University
Post-Globalization: slowdown of the World Economy and prospects of the World Economic System HP
Spring 10th June 6,2020
Hirosaki University
78th October, 2019
Development issues in the inter-connected world economy: Trade, labor and monetary aspects HP
Spring 9th June 15, 2019
Kochi Pref. University
77th October, 2018
Kwansei Gakuin University
The Fourth Industrial Revolution: the Progress of ICT and its Impact on the International Economy HP
Spring 8th June, 2018
Hokkaido Univeristy
76th October, 2017
Nihon University
The Contemporary Significance of the Theory of Comparative Advantage: the 200th Anniversary of the Publication of the Principles of Political Economy and Taxation HP
Spring 7th June, 2017
Matsuyama Univeristy
75th October, 2016
Chukyo University
The World Economy Grouping for a New Order: Future Prospects and Challenges HP
Spring 6th June, 2016
Gakushuin University
74th November, 2015
Senshu University
The Perspectives of Emerging countries and World Economy - In View of Trade, Finance and Development HP
Spring 5th June, 2015
Hannan University
73rd October, 2014
Kyoto sangyo University
New Phase of the Globalization of the Japanese Economy - Challenges and Perspectives HP
Spring 4th June, 2014
Hosei University
72nd October, 2013
Yokohama National University
The World Economy after the Global Financial Crisis in 2008: States of Crisis and Responses in the US, EU, and Emerging Economies  HP
Spring 3rd June, 2013
Fukuoka University
71st October, 2012
Konan University
The Future of Global Financial and Economic Crisis: Exploring a Turning Point of the World Economy HP
Spring 2nd May, 2012
Nanzan University
70th October, 2011
Keio University
Japanese Trade Policy at Crossroads HP
Spring 1st June, 2011
Ryukoku Univeristy
69th October, 2010
Osaka University
Sustainability and International Economy HP
68th October, 2009
Chuo University
Global Financial and Economic Crisis: Globalism on a Crossroad HP
67th October, 2008
University of Hyogo
1. Financial Globalization and International Currency System 2. Globalization and Income Distribution HP
66th October, 2007
Waseda University
Lessons for 10 years from Asian Currency Crisis and Future Subjects HP
65th October, 2006
Nagoya University
East Asian Economic Integration: Issues and Prospects HP
64th October, 2005
Ritsumeikan University
Multinational Corporations and East Asian Economy HP
63rd October, 2004
Keio University
World Economy and Global Environment HP
62nd October, 2003
Kyoto University
Inequality of International Wealth and Income Distribution HP
61st October, 2002
Tohoku University
Achievements and Problems of Globalization HP
60th October, 2001
Kobe University
Toward the 21st Century World Economic System HP
59th(50th Anniversary) October 2000
Hitotsubashi University
Globalization and National Economy HP
58th October, 1999
Osaka Sangyo University
Global Economic Crisis: Current Conditions and Future Prospects HP
57th October, 1998
Kantoh Gakuin University
Economic Growth of East Asia---Will it Last in the 21st Century? HP
56th October, 1997
Sei-nan Gakuin University
Development and World System: Market Economy, Aid and Environment
55th October, 1996
Chiba University
Unification of World Economy and Internationalization of Japanese Business
54th October, 1995
Kansai University
Environment-Resource Problem and International Trade
53rd October, 1994
Niigata University
Regional Integration and Global System
52nd October, 1993
Osaka Municipal University
Present and Future of Pan-Pacific Region: Role of Japan
51st October, 1992
Fukushima University
Integration and Disintegration of World Economy: Role of Japan
50th October, 1991
(Chubu District)
Turbulent World Economy: In Search of New International Economic Order
49th October, 1990
Ritsumeikan University
Regionalism and World Economy
48th October, 1989
Chuo University
Technological Innovation and World Economy
47th October, 1988
Current Stage of World Economy: Retrospect and Prospect
Doshisha University
46th October, 1987
Tohoku Gakuin University
Internationalization in Progress and Business Activity
45th October, 1986
Hiroshima University
International Economic Organization: Ideas and Reality
44th October, 1985
Meiji University
Forty Years after the War: Structural Transformation and Prospects of World Economy
43rd October, 1984
Kobe University
International Currency and Financial Issue: Market-Opening Problem
42nd October, 1983
Nihon University
World Recession: Solution and Countermeasure
41th October, 1982
Kobe University of Commerce
Present and Future of International Trade System: In Search of an Orderly Trade
40th July, 1981
Otaru University of Commerce
US-Japan and Europe-Japan Economic Conflicts
39th October, 1980
Nagoya Municipal University
Contemporary Capitalism and International Economy: Ideological vs. Institutionalist Approach
38th October, 1979
Kumamoto University of Commerce
Overview of World Economy: 1980s in Prospect
37th October, 1978
Keio University
Friction and Coordination in International Economy: With Emphasis on Balance of Payments and Industrial Adjustment
36th October, 1977
Osaka University
Survey of International Economics with Focus on Trade and North-South Problem
35th October, 1976
Hitotsubashi University
Liberalism and Regionalism: Review of the Principle of Multilateralism, Freedom, and Indiscrimination
34th October, 1975
Kyushu University
World Economy in Crisis: Structure and Suggested Solution
33rd October, 1974
Waseda University
Confusion and Reorganization of World Economy: Current Analysis and Policy Aspects
32nd October, 1973
Kansai Gakuin University
Future of International Currency System and Floating Exchange Rates
31st November, 1972
Musashi University
International Currency System: Reconstruction and Problems
30th November, 1971
Nagasaki University
Japanese Trade Policy in Transition
29th November, 1970
Gakushuin University
International Capital Movements and World Market
28th October, 1969
Yamaguchi University
New Developments in Asian Economy
27th October, 1968
Nagoya University
International Currency: Current Situation and New Developments
26th October, 1967
Kokugakuin University
Theory and Practice of Regionalism
25th October, 1966
Kansai University
Fundamental Issues of International Economics
24th October, 1965
Chuo University
International Cooperation: Current Situation and Prospects
23rd October, 1964
Kobe University
Course of World Economy
22nd October, 1963
Meiji University
World Business Conditions: Analysis and Countermeasures
21st November, 1962
Kyoto University
Economic Development and Trade-with Focus on Backward Countries
20th October, 1961
Toyama University
World Economy and International Currency: Postwar Practice and Mechanism
19th July, 1960
Fukuoka University
New Phase of World Economy
18th July, 1959
Hokkaido University etc.
Structural Inconsistencies of World Economy
17th November, 1958
Yokohama National University, etc.
World Business Fluctuations and Japanese Trade
16th November, 1957
Osaka Municipal University
Japanese Economy and Trade
15th June, 1957
Tohoku University
Japanese Economy and Trade
14th November, 1956
Osaka University
Economic Development and Foreign Trade
13th May, 1956
Keio University
System of International Trade and Finance
12th November, 1955
Kansai Gakuin University
International Capital Movements
11th May, 1955
Hitotsubashi University
Economic Development of Backward Countries: Theory and Practice
10th November, 1954
Kobe University Of Commerce
Business Fluctuations and Balance of Payments
9th May, 1954
Tokyo University
Imperialism Controversy
8th October, 1953
Nagoya University
Asian Economy and Japan
7th May, 1953
Waseda University
Structural Disequilibrium of Postwar World Economy
6th November, 1952
Kyoto University
Dollar Shortage
5th June, 1952
Keio University
Analysis of Soviet Economy
4th November, 1951
Kobe University
Japanese Trade: How It Should Be
3rd May, 1951
Hitotsubashi University
International Values (Cont’d), Soviet Union and Eastern Europe
2nd November, 1950
Osaka Municipal University
International Values
1st April, 1950
Tokyo University