
1995: Environment-Resource Problem and International Trade

Commonly focused on by the keynote presentations of the 1995 annual convention is the issue of sustainable development, or sustainable trade, very important for the 21st century.

Akihiro AMANO (Kwansai Gakuin University) analyses in the first keynote paper “Trade, Environment and Development” the theoretical internalization of global externalities, and proposes more rigorous application of the OECD Polluter-Pay Principle, abstention from using ecology as pretext for trade-protectionist measures and the like.

Hiroaki FUKAMI(Keio University) in the second keynote paper “Resources and International Trade” focuses on the three-E trilemma (trilemma among Environment, Energy and Economy) and calls for (a) reorientation of international trade per se toward “sustainable trade”, (b)internalization of external diseconomies (like AMANO), and (c)reconsideration of resource trade in the wider context of the North-South Trade.

Jun NISHIKAWA (Waseda University) likewise discusses in the third keynote paper “Resource and Sustainable Development” about resource-environment problems and sustainable development and concludes that sustainable development must be supported by sustainable livelihood. This in turn calls for a transformation of our value system and our paradigm on economic development with focus on human beings in social development.

There was a paper on Korea-Japan Partnership presented by Choong Young Ann, Chung-Ang University.
